Mighty Montauk's History
In the early 1980’s Robert Aaron participated in his first triathlon. He was so inspired by the emerging sport, he decided to produce one. Know for its scenic beauty, Robert thought Montauk was the ideal place to host a triathalon, and so in 1982, the Mighty Montauk was born. This was a time when there weren't any wet suits, aero-bars, heart rate monitors, not even bike racks, nor energy bars. Sprint and Iron man was not even a dream. Directional signs were made from driftwood and whatever wood planks that could be found.
This race has the honor of being the oldest triathlon on Long island and until recently, was always the east end season opener. In 2002, after a 2 year battle with Pancreatic Cancer, Robert Aaron left us with a resounding legacy. The race was renamed The RJA Memorial Mighty Montauk Triathlon to honor his memory.
Our gallery below references Mighty Montauk Triathlon early beginnings 1980's - 1990's.